Sunday, January 06, 2013

A défault de faire un blog.....

J'ai pris le temps de faire ca au moins.... ^^
Your dating personality profile:

Traditional - Modern culture does not move you. You hold traditional values dear to your heart.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Religious - Faith matters to you. It is the foundation that you build your life upon. You trust that God has a plan for you.
Your date match profile:

Traditional - You need someone who is a bit old-fashioned. A person with traditional values and beliefs will perfectly compliment your lifestyle.
Religious - You seek someone who is grounded in faith and who possesses religious values. You believe that a religious person can enhance your life.
Shy - You are put off by people who are open books. You are drawn to someone who is a bit more mysterious. You want to draw him out of his shell and get to know what he is all about.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Traditional
2. Big-Hearted
3. Religious
4. Practical
5. Shy
6. Intellectual
7. Liberal
8. Wealthy/Ambitious
9. Athletic
10. Romantic
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Traditional
2. Religious
3. Shy
4. Intellectual
5. Practical
6. Big-Hearted
7. Conservative
8. Romantic
9. Funny
10. Athletic

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

Ca fit tellement, ca fait peur. O_O

1 comment:

Kunyue said...

Ohhhh Céleste..... *pat pat* Un jour tu vas trouver quelqu'un. J'vais te déniaiser tu vas voir *wink wink* Parce que si t'es occuper par un gaaarrrrsssss, moi pendant ce temps la j'peux courir après Francheska ou Silver MUAHAHAHAHAHA! =___= Non... Sérieusement.... Wtf.....