Saturday, May 10, 2014

Pour patienter


Mais j'avais 5 minutes a attendre pour des trucs qui sèchent...
Donc le premier c'est le test des péchés capitaux de Céleste et en suite c'est le profile de date de Anna. ^^




Gluttony:Very Low
Sloth:Very Low
Lust:Very Low
Pride:Very Low

Take the" target="_top">Seven Deadly Sins


Anna's dating personality profile:

You matched the following traits:

Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.

Anna's date match profile:

You match with who have following traits:

Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.
Shy - You are put off by people who are open books. You are drawn to someone who is a bit more mysterious. You want to draw her out of her shell and get to know what she is all about.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.

Anna's Top Ten Traits, Ranked

1. Big-Hearted
2. Liberal
3. Intellectual
4. Romantic
5. Adventurous
6. Sensual
7. Practical
8. Wealthy/Ambitious
9. Traditional
10. Outgoing

Anna's Top Ten Match Traits, Ranked

1. Conservative
2. Shy
3. Big-Hearted
4. Practical
5. Adventurous
6. Intellectual
7. Traditional
8. Funny
9. Athletic
10. Romantic